To provide participants with facilitated services that:
Angela strives to deliver excellence in professional conflict resolution services to assist parties mutually resolve disputes in a timely manner by offering a seamless and cost effective process. The service model includes an intake sessions to prepare parties to maximise opportunities and assess considerations to make reasonable adjustments for potential power imbalances; cultural, language, ability or gender diversity; and ensure safety to all.
Angela is committed to excellence in accredited alternative dispute resolution services. She recognises that preparation is key to success! As a leading practitioner, Angela assists participants to progress through a facilitated model to overcome barriers, improve communication, restore harmonious relations and reach agreements, if possible. Angela assists parties to define the issues in dispute, constructively explore respective interests and be curious towards finding solutions together to achieve win-win outcomes. Angela is genuinely invested in offering reliable and valued accredited alternative dispute resolution services to reduce reliance on the legal system, avoid delay, costs, anxiety and uncertainty often associated with litigation.